Your hair can often look dull, lifeless and feel dry during the summer months or while your on holiday. Your hair can become straw-like in texture with more split ends and you may also get a flaky scalp due to sun exposure.
Here are some tips for keeping your hair super healthy all summer long.
The more often you trim your hair, the healthier it will look and grow, so it’s a good idea to get a trim at the beginning of summer or just before you go on holiday. You can get your next trim 3 months later.
Use Conditioner
Conditioner helps to lock in moisture so make sure you’re using this every time you wash your hair. It also helps if your hair is already slightly dry and damaged. It helps keep hair looking glossy and feeling smooth.
Avoid Applying Heat to the Hair
As you’re already exposed to the sun, you should use hair dryers and hair curlers/straighteners less. Adding further heat can really increase the chance of having dry and straw-like hair. Try letting your hair dry naturally or use the cool air button on your hairdryer.
Apply a Hair Mask
Hair masks are great for locking in moisture and restoring damaged hair or preventing normal hair from becoming damaged. Here are some amazing DIY hair masks. You can also try using some essential oils for healthier hair.
Coloured Hair
If you have coloured hair you need to make sure you’re using the correct products that are specially for coloured hair. Use purple shampoo if you have blonde highlights in your hair to stop the colour from becoming brassy. Wear a hat so you’re not always in direct sunlight.